
Curandero Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Healing by Rosa M Luna

In the realm of holistic healing and mental well-being, “Curandero Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Healing” by Rosa M. Luna, emerges as a guiding force, drawing upon a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise in her groundbreaking work, “Curandero Therapy.” With a distinguished career as a retired mental health professional and a licensed clinical hypnotherapist in the State of Oregon, Luna brings forth a holistic approach that seamlessly intertwines traditional and alternative healing modalities.

In this enlightening book, Luna invites readers into the transformative world of Curandero Therapy, offering a unique perspective on mental health and holistic healing. Grounded in her academic journey and studies at Treasure Valley Community College, Luna’s understanding of the intricate facets of mental well-being is both comprehensive and nuanced. This book is a testament to her dedication to empowering individuals to embark on a holistic healing journey.

As a practicing Reiki Master, Luna explores the transformative power of energy healing, unveiling its potential to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. Her role as a founding member of the Luna Institute of Curanderos adds further credence to her commitment to the curandero tradition and its profound impact on emotional and mental wellness.

Beyond the pages of clinical expertise, Luna extends her influence as a coach and instructor at St. Paul’s Free University, sharing her wealth of knowledge with aspiring professionals. The book serves as a culmination of her life’s work, offering insights, techniques, and holistic practices that transcend conventional approaches to mental health.

Through “Curandero Therapy,” Luna artfully blends her diverse experiences, providing readers with a roadmap for holistic healing. Her words resonate with authenticity, compassion, and a profound understanding of the complexities of mental and emotional well-being. Luna’s book stands as a beacon, guiding readers toward a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Embark on a transformative exploration of mental health and holistic healing with Rosa M. Luna’s “Curandero Therapy,” where ancient wisdom meets contemporary understanding for a holistic approach to well-being.

Rosa M. Luna is a highly esteemed retired mental health professional and a licensed clinical hypnotherapist in the State of Oregon, bringing a wealth of expertise and compassion to her holistic healing practices. Her academic journey has been marked by studies at Treasure Valley Community College, complemented by a diverse range of educational experiences that have enriched her understanding of the intricate nuances of mental health and well-being.

As a committed advocate for holistic healing, Rosa is a practicing Reiki Master, harnessing the transformative power of energy healing. She is also a founding member of the prestigious Luna Institute of Curanderos, a testament to her dedication to curandero therapy and its profound impact on mental and emotional wellness.

Beyond her extensive clinical background, Rosa plays a pivotal role as a coach and instructor at St. Paul’s Free University, where she imparts her vast knowledge and expertise to the next generation of professionals. Her commitment to education and mentorship underscores her belief in the importance of sharing wisdom to foster growth and understanding in the field.

An accomplished author and speaker, Rosa M. Luna has devoted her career to facilitating mental and emotional well-being. Her multifaceted contributions have made a lasting impact on the field of mental health and holistic healing, leaving an indelible mark on the lives she has touched. Through her innovative approaches and unwavering commitment to the holistic healing journey, Rosa continues to inspire and empower individuals toward a path of greater mental and emotional wellness.

“Curandero Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Healing” delves into a rich tapestry of ancient modalities and holistic practices that form a transformative guide for individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to mental and emotional well-being. This book transcends conventional boundaries, offering a profound exploration of curandero techniques, energy healing, and the integration of traditional wisdom into modern therapeutic practices.

Readers embark on a journey through the sacred teachings of indigenous cultures, uncovering the healing power embedded in practices often overlooked in mainstream mental health discourse. Luna’s narrative unfolds seamlessly, presenting topics ranging from energy healing and spiritual cleansings to the significance of herbal remedies in fostering mental and emotional balance.

The book explores the intricate interplay between mind, body, and spirit, challenging the conventional compartmentalization of mental health. It underscores the value of integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary therapeutic practices, offering readers and mental health practitioners a vast array of tools to enhance their therapeutic toolkit.

One of the notable strengths of “Curandero Therapy” lies in its resonance with indigenous peoples, acknowledging and respecting their traditional healing methods. Luna’s approach fosters cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, bridging the gap between conventional therapy and ancient wisdom, making it an invaluable resource for therapists looking to broaden their appeal and effectiveness.

As a beacon of expansion for therapists today, the book serves as a guide to understanding and incorporating alternative healing modalities. It invites practitioners to explore the vast potential of curandero techniques in conjunction with traditional therapy, creating a more inclusive and personalized approach to mental health.

In essence, “Curandero Therapy” emerges as a comprehensive guide that not only informs but empowers. It unlocks the door to a holistic understanding of healing, offering insights that resonate with diverse audiences and providing a roadmap for mental health professionals to enhance their practices in a way that is culturally sensitive, spiritually enriching, and deeply transformative.



Trauma-ties: Overcome Trauma, Drama, and Abuse from Childhood Through Adulthood Breaking the Trauma-ties

Author Rosa M Luna, a seasoned professional in the field of mental health and a survivor of a traumatic past, has traversed a journey from childhood to motherhood, offering her unique perspective on trauma and resilience. Luna, with her clients, emerges victoriously from the depths of trauma’s pervasive and haunting impact. For those fortunate enough to have not experienced severe abuse or trauma, comprehending the far-reaching implications in every facet of life may be a challenge. Trauma can remain dormant, emerge unexpectedly, or haunt one’s dreams.

In “Trauma-ties,” Luna explores the intricate web of trauma, unveiling hidden connections and revealing the central message that survivors are never alone. Many have walked a similar path, with some, unfortunately, not making it through. Yet, those who have triumphed over adversity stand ready to support others, emphasizing that help is within reach.

Believing that it is possible to break free from the drama and trauma, reclaim one’s life, and embrace a future filled with blessings and love, unburdened by the shadows of past abuse, requires action. Luna delivers unfiltered truths about survival, offering a candid and sometimes shocking guide. Brace yourself for a powerful and heartrending journey through insights and tools specially created for those suffering from childhood sexual abuse and adult trauma of all kinds.

This is the very text that Rosa M Luna uses with clients suffering from past trauma from sexual abuse and in workshops training Certified Trauma Advisors.

Rosa M. Luna is a retired mental health professional and a licensed clinical hypnotherapist in the State of Oregon. Her academic journey includes studies at Treasure Valley Community College, complemented by a diverse range of educational experiences. With a deep commitment to holistic healing, she is a practicing Reiki Master and a founding member of the esteemed Luna Institute of Curanderos. In addition to her extensive clinical background,

Rosa serves as a current Olympian Life Coach and instructor at St. Paul’s Free University, where she continues to share her wealth of knowledge and expertise. An accomplished author and speaker, Rosa M. Luna’s career has been dedicated to facilitating mental and emotional well-being, and her multifaceted contributions have left an indelible mark on the field of mental health and holistic healing.


Some Christmas things To Do.

It might feel like you are stuck at home with your lonely self.

Have you sent Christmas cards off to your loved ones and Friends yet? Write something beautiful on their cards, by finding something especial on google that is especial for that person you are sending a Christmas card too.

Christmas cards; That will make them feel especial.  Someone Birthday is during this month? Send them a beautiful card with a nice poem in it as a birthday present.

Christmas tree: Have you decorated the Christmas Tree yet? My Christmas Tree is 7 feet high and pretty wide and takes me 4 hours to decorate. Try decorating the house. Dollar store is around the corner, it really has lots of pretty things to decorate your home with.

Bake some cookies; I really enjoy my next activity, it’s my favorite part of the holidays, I make cookies, and color them with my Grandkids. Not this year. Due to the Covid19? Make them yourself! Pack them up and send them   to your loved ones. It also places you in a happy cheer. (unless you eat them yourself) that’s fun too.

Go ice Skating; If there is an indoor “Ice-skating Ring” or an outside one around your area. Find one outdoors, just wear a mask.

How about making home made ornaments for your tree?   Try using shining wrapping paper, draw gingerbread men of many colors.

Drive around looking a decorated home and their Christmas lights design.  My Fiancé took me to this house who was so loaded with lights and they blinked to the Christmas radio station Christmas music. That was so Amazing to me. We could have sat there in our car for hours, But cars were starting to park all around us. That was so enjoyable.

Bake some banana Bread and after they are cooled down, eat them with butter on them. Delicious. Get recipes from google- Yummy!

Volunteer to visit a nursery home, the hospital, a Veteran and offer them your baked cookies and a sugar cane. It will make them very happy and you will lighten up your heart when you see their faces smile back at you. It’s a great experience. Afterwards. Wear your Mask!

Make yourself a Abuelita hot Mexican chocolate…Stir it with a Sugar cane to cool it down. The peppermint flavor of the candy cane will melt inside and OMG! Humm… good!

Decorate a gingerbread house while you’re enjoying a hot cup of chocolate. Those are so fun to build. Especially if you have an extra-large bag of all colored skittles. Those are for the line of the roof. Just fill it with all the possible colors. Fun!

Watch Christmas movies on T.V. or Netflix, there’s always tons of Christmas movies to watch, some are so “feeling good” type of movies. Makes you “want to fall in love”.

Make homemade gifts for your loved ones. One Christmas, I got some calendars from the Dollar Store and filled the days with birthday dates and a paper picture of the person who was having the birthday. Plus, at that time my daughter was pregnant with my grandchild and shared his ultrasound picture on the delivering date. It was a keeper Calendar! I still have one that I used as a copy. That was 14 years ago.

Well, my dear ones, I hope I have brightened your Christmas a little with some of my ideas. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Manny blessings.




Connecting with Family over the Holidays

During this time of year, there’s shopping to do, for “decking the halls”, that’s something for us who are stuck at home, that we can do together. Go to our storage area and dig out the artificial Christmas tree, or go and make a day of it to look for a real Christmas tree. Sometimes, they are in your front yard.

Put on some music, get out the decorations, bake some goodies, and together decorate the Christmas tree. That is so much fun even decorating the tree by yourself. It takes me two to four hours decorating my tree. I light it up and its beautiful.

They say that the holidays are the “busiest time of the year.” Christmas cheer, pour yourself a glass of hot apple cider with a slice of orange or whatever your kind of Christmas cheer you may want to add to it and “be merry.”

Is there going to be a Santa around this year? Look it up.  I just read somewhere that a store was going to place Santa in a glass box and have kids talk to him through that. That’s weird, but hey, you get to see and talk to Santa.

But what’s the best thing about Christmas this year? It is spending quality time with each other and making different and better memories with people we love.

There’s another way we could see our other loved ones, by using videoconferencing, like Zoom, Duo, Skype, and other means that could make you feel connected.

Using these video technologies that science has brought us, we can watch a video together. My daughter and I have done this. My daughter moved to Utah and we have connected in this way before.

Plus, you can talk to each other during the movie.

Here are other ways to connect with our loved ones this holiday season, even if we are miles apart.

You can send out some cookies by mail. You will just have to wrap them well so they will not be broken to pieces when your loved one gets them. Contact your local post office for some really good tips. They might just have the right package to send.

Here is a wonderful thing to do: Getting the family together to watch a holiday-themed movie such as “Home Alone,” “A Christmas Carol” with Scrooge, (I love this one.) “Christmas Vacation,” “A Christmas Story,” or other Christmas movies that could be your favorite movie for the holidays.

Today, through “Netflix Party”, you can watch a movie with them in real-time. “Netflix Party” is a Chrome extension that syncs up the film so you can watch it all at once and it has a live chat feature so you can comment on your favorite parts together. I just discovered this; it is so awesome. Netflix Party is available in the Chrome web store.

You could also donate a “Toy for Tots” at Les Schwab which is a tire repair shop.  Les Schwab takes toys every year to donate to the children in the community.

You or your family can work on a gingerbread house and decorate it together. Or mail it out to those who you would love have them to build it for you.

This is what I am planning for the beautiful people I live with. I got some hot tamales and cinnamon candy canes from the local store, and I am going to make some Mexican very rich hot chocolate and place the candy canes inside, using the cane to stir the chocolate… MMM.





Is there life after death?

How many times have this question being asked? What do you believe? As a curandera, Mama Luna would tell us stories, you know the ones we hear from older people who has been told stories and get them passed on by others who have heard them repeatedly.

I remember this real old curandera by the name of Dona Vita, she too was a very old Curandera. Anyway, she would tell us that When the souls leave the physical body, that it will hang around for 90 minutes. Then it would realize they had just died and if we would say a prayer for them and go home.

But what happens when they don’t realize that have died? In fact, there are various reason why such souls don’t return to the spiritual realms to which they are to return to and here are some reasons


  • Such souls don’t know what to do or are not aware of the fact that they have just died. We ask our higher self to assist us in the process of sending those to the place they should be.


  • These souls attach themselves to several people like the ones they love, or also addicted to some earthly pleasures, like substance abuse drugs and alcohol.
  • For example- the incarnates that were addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. Some will continue to hang around their familiar places, bars, pubs or nightclubs or abandoned rundown buildings where they used to use to shoot up.
  • And after finding similar energies, for Alcoholics with an addiction to alcohol. They have openings in the aura exits in which the earthbound/incarnates utilize them to vicariously drink alcohol. In fact, this will give arise to another situation, more entities, attachments, more earthbound in the aura.
  • It actually akin to constantly have a feeling of the energies of another. There are many people that have infinite aura openings and are addicted to alcohol as well.
  • These attachments are not for Alcohol addictions but to those who are addicted to drugs,
  • Any drugs, being street drugs or medical or over the counter drugs. Earth bound, entities, addicted souls as well. May invite these souls with some similar patterns into their field of energy.
  • This happens as what they actually need, attracts them. Some kind of possession will take place as the entities influences their victim to be extra addictive to a specific extreme behavior.

I actually met an entity that was attached to one of my alcoholic husbands. Yes, I was married twice to alcohol addicted. I did not realize one was an alcoholic. (my justification, anyway.)  The demon I met had a very crooked smile he had this look that made me sick to my stomach. I was trying to expel him from my husband, but it was he that was inviting him into our lives.  The second encounter was when I married again and my husband and I were celebrating new years day. He got very drunk and his behavior was not like other times he had drank.  As I turned to look at him and say something, I saw that same crooked smile and look in his eyes that took me back with a cold chill. I left by myself that night. Packed up his clothes and threw him out of my life.

I pray to their higher selves, Angels and their spirit guides to help those who are not in control of their and have their auras sealed. I pray for the entities and talk to them to go home and this will stop their pain of addition. Sometimes, they listen and leave. Others don’t leave but are welcomed to get my help when their ready. But meanwhile I use my guides, angels and the white light for my protection. The divine light is a stronger energy than their very dim light.

Many Blessing to You.



Mexican Kids in Cages

What do you think these kids will feel about the United States if they ever leave the cages? If you have been listening to the news, you have heard about these children being placed in a large cage with other kids. Given a pee bucket and a sliver blanket staying and sleeping with other kids. Some kids, as I understand from the news and those who feel safe enough to speak about the conditions.  I feel bad for them unable to do anything like foster home some. I try not to think that all this started with Presentient Obama.  Anyway, the Kids are not always checked for illnesses, they have to be severely sick in order to get good medical attention. The guards complain that the kids cry all night wanting to see  their parents.

I remember, when I was 6 or 7 years old. My parents and all of us who could carry a hoe, were working out in the fields, thinning beet plants. We saw immigration vans stop by. They questioned my parents and took me and my brother, forced us into the van. I remember crying. My Mom was crying which made me even more scared.

I remember getting separated from my brother after we got to this very large building. I was placed in a room with white kids in wheelchairs, some were on the floor, crawling towards me.  I cried the whole time I was there. Except when I was offered some food. I felt I was there for days, but it was just one day, which felt to me like a lifetime. I just cried for my parents and kept asking where’s my brother? No one would tell me. I saw these kids in wheelchairs and kids on the floor coming towards me. I later found out; I was placed there because I did not speak English.

I was so afraid they were going to eat me, when I saw them crawling toward me, trying to touch me. I remember in my nightmares; I was lying in a stretcher covered with a light blanket and when someone like a doctor comes in, uncovered me and starts cutting parts off me to feed others, and they kept me alive for body parts. I saw myself with one arm, one foot and one leg, and other pieces of me missing.

Finally, one of my older sisters came after me and she took me home. This has been one of the other experiences I will never forget. Of course, it was a law that all kids should be in school at my age. We didn’t know why. I was terrified. Now I am traumatized. I will never forget this experience.

Now, I am unable to work with the Developmentally Disabled. Sub-consciously, I freak out! I get anxiety and sometimes I can’t breathe. It must be part of my trauma of when all this happened to me.

I do not like what is happening, I have written my congressmen. How in humane is this?  Maybe the new presentient will change things. I pray for these children and send them the white divine light of all their angels and mine.


Our Children

I love them so much, it hurts sometimes. My children are near their 40s or late 40s. I now have grandchildren. Loving them hurts even more. Where are they now? Well, thank God. They are all doing well and smart enough to have jobs, spouses and children of their own.

I remember, when they were small, I tried to provide them with what I could. I remember having to wear my husband’s boxers, because, I did not have enough money to spend on stuff for me. My children’s needs came first.  I had also made a bad choice of marrying this husband, thinking he could help make ends meet. NOT! He was an Alcoholic!

I was too prideful to go and apply for food stamps. I remember I used to work for DHS and they were so prejudiced, they would suggest that they provide proof of this, proof of that. Make sure you investigate the Mexicans, the Blacks, and the Yakima Indians. They keep things from you. I quit within 3 months of employment.

So, I would have rather starved first than go and apply for assistance. I did put my pride aside when one of my kids had to go to go to the hospital. After all, I pay my taxes.

Now on my own, as a single mother raising three children. It was still not easy, I had gotten a good job, but still could not always make ends meet. I remember needing bras, thank God for safety pins.

There had come a time, when food had been scarce. But we made it thru. I am older now. All have had positive results.

I did teach my children that when I get old, to remember to throw some money my way if they can. I taught them so well. They do help out, Bless Their hearts.

Now they live busy lives. Have responsibilities of their own. I have seen that (I have to say) they turned out pretty good. I am very proud of them. I am sure they had to go through some ordeals to go on with their own lives.

I just wish they would see me more often. Or call me once in a while. I have to admit, my youngest daughter calls me often enough, my other two don’t, not like I would like them to.

My oldest has 4 children, understandable. She has a hard job. A husband, husbands demand a lot of attention. She is mainly tired when she wants to call me. I understand that too! No hard feelings.

My middle child, she’s the one that calls me, more often, she lives in Utah, we lived together for a time and this brought us closer together. We used to do everything together. Until she met one of her boyfriends on line, fell in love with him and that’s why she moved to Utah. She moved too far for me.

My Son, he comes with that saying that my Mom would repeat to us “a son is your son, until he meets his wife, a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life”. Isn’t this the truth! My mom used to say that when her sons would remember her, but they called less and less. My sister-in-law stated, she needed to remind her husband to call mom. How sad but it’s the truth.

At this state of my age. I miss them. Now, I too have started a new life. I am on my second round of my journey. Found a good man. (believe it or not) shocked my kids and grandchildren and some of my friends… Now my life is getting a second wind of life.  God Bless us all.






Do you learn by living your life?

As you go on through your journey and believe in the miracles or magic of everyday life you can see that there is more going on than meets the eye every day, even at night (and when you’re asleep). You see shadows, you feel a presence, or your hear your name called out, or any other number of strange phenomena.

I started thinking life was just a plain miracle. One after another. When I was little, I woke up with my dog needing to go outside to relieve himself. His name was “Blackie.” As I was waiting for him to do his thing, I saw my mother’s garden through the shadows and saw the shadows of the flowers on the house wiggling upward. I remember the moon was very bright behind me. I couldn’t tell just from looking at them, but noticing their shadows on the reflection of my house, they were growing fast, upward.  It scared me and I ran back into the house and my dog said to me “where are you going?” I did not notice that my dog had just talked to me, until later, when he got back into bed with me.  I looked at him and asked if he’d seen what I saw? “Did you talk to me in human language?” He just stared at me and laid back down. Was I dreaming? Up to this day, I remember this happening. I mentioned this incident to my mother, who was a curandera healer and she just laughed and said, “What does your mind and heart tell you? If you believe it, then it happened.”  I felt like it did. Up to this day, I will never forget what I had experienced. My mom explained, I had probably read Blackie’s mind.

So, have things like this ever happen to you? Are there others that have seen weird things that cannot be explained? People may think you are crazy and you need medication. But coming from the Mexican culture, I have talked to others about things like this and I have heard some stories. Like the “La Llorona”. That story was in the theaters, I went to see it. It scared me. When I visited Mexico with my mother, we heard her cry out so loud, I got chills.

I believe in these unforeseen phenomena, that are uniquely involved in each of our lives. Called dormant forces as Wayne Dyer called it in his book called “Inspiration”.  I believe that these images of the divine are ahead of us on our paths, orchestrating the experiences and circumstances on our walk in life. Things like this are revealed to those who pay attention. Will we be believed?

Something like this: Dr. Eben Alexander, who was in a coma for 7 days, was not expected to live. He had the experience of the afterlife. He even wrote a book “Proof of Heaven” about his experience. Some People believed his story… wasn’t this a magical experience? A miracle? YES! And I believe him.

Many events like this have happened throughout my life. I than started to study Reiki, Reiki energy and Reiki Healing and I developed many other skills. The acknowledgement and inner knowing of the spirit that flows through all things began to emanate through me in a way that made me become more conscious.

For example, I was staying with a friend at her vacation home. I accidentally melted some wax on her gas stove and the burner no longer worked. My friend was upset, because it costs a lot of money to get those fixed. And because we were at her vacation house, it cost more money get stuff fixed.

That evening I was reading a book by Edgar Cayce about how he would summon up spirits to help him out. And I thought I wish I could manifest a gas man to fix her stove.

Then a little while later, I heard this man’s voice telling me just what to do. I finally put down the book, got up, and went to the stove and did just what the man told me to do.

I did, and then he said to turn on the stove, and I did. And it worked.

That morning I told my friend to turn on the stove and it fired right up. I was not surprised.

I believe that the more magical/miracles/experiences we can have in our authentic self and the divine in a high vibrational, intentional and true sincere, strong feelings of emotion, the more we can call our dreams into being, and the healthier we can be. We can relieve stress, diseases, overall heal the world of illnesses and vanquish negativity with the divine light of emotional love, miracles, and our belief in magic.


Mi Familia

Due to the pandemic, families have been unable to associate with one another. I did not do our usual this year’s Valentine’s Day. I did send them Valentine’s cards with money for my grandkids to go to the dollar store so they could buy what they wanted from the whole store. I would always take them to the dollar store when I visit them let them to let them buy anything, they wanted with a limit of 5 items for each of them. They are young enough to enjoy that treat. It thrills me too see them get excited. I missed seeing those wide eyes and big smiles.

So again, for Easter, we did not gather. I missed the whole event. Still under strict restrictions. On Easter, we all get together and prepare all sorts of goodies and main courses. For example, glazed mustard sweet Ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet yams in marshmallow cream. I use heavy cream whipped from the carton, homemade kind, you need to get that recipe, if you want it contact me. It’s so good. Especially when it is still quite warm. Corn or if available corn on the cob, cooked and placed on the grill and charred. Sometimes placed on chopped sticks for an easy to hold grip and can’t get away cob. We eat our corn with Mexican fine queso fresco cheese, parmesan powered cheese, mayonnaise or sour cream, to spread on the corn cob and roll it in the powered cheeses, sprinkled with Tapatio sauce or powered cayenne pepper. OMG! So good!

My daughter-in-law makes the best Italian macaroni and cheese. The kids just love it! By the end of our celebration time, it’s gone. Lots and lots food. Chicken legs and thighs cooked in Mexican chili sauce, Mexican fried rice, and wouldn’t freshly homemade corn tortillas be a huge treat! Too much work. So, we just warm them up store bought ones. Yes… I know, not the same. We then bow our heads and give thanks for the opportunity for all of us gathered together demostrando our love for one another and how joyful is that?

After enjoying food feast, Nana has prepared a game. Mothers have prepared confetti eggs, colored them and normally we’ve prepared like 6 to 10 dozen egg cartons worth of them. At home or at Nanas house, we have shelled eggs we have carefully removed the egg from inside, rinsed them, let them dry, after you have accumulated as many eggs as you want, they are colored by the grandkids, Nana makes a party for the kids and Grandkids of all ages.  More food, this party is prepared before the Easter celebration. The eggs are drawn upon, pictures, kids draw flowers on them, any design the kids or adults joining us would like to draw on them or design them. Kids and adults can keep or take home only one egg if they choose to. Later after all of them are done and dried, Magically, you will see them on Easter, sealed from the top with tissue paper, upside down displayed inside opened egg cartons.

We would all grab what we wanted and discreetly and gently break them on people’s heads. Some of us have no hair on our heads and so it hurts more, I would request that everyone break egg in hand before hitting it on head. Breaking an egg on an individual represents your blessings. The colorful confetti are the many blessings bestowed upon you by that individual. So only break the egg on those who you love. What a colorful mess that was to clean. We’d see confetti on the lawn for months, rain would wash it away. I loved and now miss with all my heart, the laughter of the children and the adults running around trying to catch each other to break the confetti egg on each other. This was always a special time for me.  I miss this part of Easter so much. Sometimes I would make pinatas in shape is eggs, a baby chick, or other Easter characters. This was so much fun too! Both children and adults would give it a couple of hits and down came the candy. I would try to make it hard to break. But someone strong enough would break it. Then after someone would crack it, I’d have a smaller child hit it open. So much fun!


Before everyone left, I would give everyone, children and adults, an Easter goodie bag. This would be another thing I would have to stay up and do a day before because I put fruit in it and keep it fresh.  I would have to keep the tangerines fresh and separated from the peanuts, otherwise the peanuts would pick up the moisture from the fruit and become soggy. So, I would have to prepare them a day ahead of time. I would buy salty peanuts, the kids liked them better than the non-salty ones. When my Grandkids where little they would suck off the salt from the peanuts and place them back in the package. It was cute then, now they eat the peanuts too and we laugh about it.  I would also buy candy and little surprises and place them in the goodie bags. This is a tradition my Mother used to do for us when we were little. She would surprise us on Easter Sunday morning with tin baskets full of goodies, we’d all get ready for church and go to the Easter egg hunt after church with our tin baskets in hand.  My Mother would make every holiday special for us. My Mother also explained what these goodies represented blessed blessings from God. The Oranges, I used tangerines, they represented health, the peanuts represented wealth, the candies represented sweet surprises in life. The little surprises represented offspring. “SURPRISE” your pregnant! I would place stuffed animals in the bags. Back in the day, offspring was always welcomed to couples… In fact, one year I did not make goodie bags and the adults missed them and mentioned it to me, they missed my goodie bags. So, I continue to make them. They were still delivered this year even though we could not gather together. I am saddened to hear that the COVID 19 is going to last until people stop spreading this disease. I thank my creator that no one in my family has caught this Virus. I pray for everyone on earth to be protected and for the healing needed to put an end to this pandemic.


Its Not You Its Trauma

How does trauma effect you? Unfortunately, it effects your life’s decisions. Knowingly and sub-conscionably. After a life changing severe trauma, it doesn’t only change your life, it also changes your body, re-shapes our cells.  If that isn’t enough, it damages and alters our mindset, how can we tell if we are making the right decisions in picking the right relationship? Sometimes we make the same mistakes repeatedly. When trying to heal, do not linger with the symptoms of your experiences with trauma which include preventing you from doing what is your regular daily activities.

It’s a problem when being stuck in a state of panic, procrastination, or depression. But thanks to new research and treatment strategies, it is more possible than ever to emerge from this darkness.

Many therapists and as an Olympian Life Coach, I had noticed a pattern of behavior in some of my clients. I realized after many years of working with them and trying to help others, that most everyone had gone through an experience that kept them from moving forward.

When I asked why, these clients, most of them, had something in common, something very bad had happen to them.  They could not achieve their goals or keep a job, they would start a job and within a short time span, they would quit or lose that job. They did give me many excuses, “they did not like me”, “I did not like them”. “I could not get them to understand how I felt”, “I called them names, so they fired me.”

Trauma not only effects our brains and ability to function, it effects our emotions. Trauma has even embedded itself in our bodies. We slouch, some of us walk with our heads down, heavy stressful moments can affect our nervous system, and we can react with extreme anxiety, or feel like we cannot breathe. Trauma not only clings to us but it makes us feel impaired, sometimes permanently, unable to process what is going on around us, feeling different, and not understanding why.

Is there a healing from all that darkness? Each of us has a different way of dealing with life. I believe it is how we were raised. What kind of childhood did you have? Hard knocks teach us at a young age, how to cope with what was been handed to us. A popular phase is “if all your get is lemons, make lemonade”!

What worked for me just might not work for you. I was raised in what westerners call a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father. So, I was around a lot of arguments and violence. I felt as I was growing up, this was just a normal way of life. My Mom always encouraged us (large family of 14) to do better and make a better life for ourselves. She always said, “I don’t want you to end up, like me.” She was always giving us good advice. I now wished I would of listened more and applied what safety suggestions she offered. My mom knew best what she really did not want us to wind up with. Now I wished I would’ve listened.

Different people make different choices, especially if you do not know what has caused this bad behavior, especially when before all the trauma, you were achieving many things. What happened? Seeing a therapist, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist could help, unfortunately they may want to get you on some medication, that might help or just slow your brain down. That is something to think about. I feel the best way is to heal without meds. But really the decision is up to the individual.

Healing could come from talking about your experience with others who have overcome the trauma, and some do. The trauma never goes away, but you learn to live around it, disabling its power over you and your life. There are now many different types of support groups out there. Do some research on the Internet and look for what is right for you.

Taking the wires of your brain and re-routing them to re-connect though meditation, can reconnect you to a more active life. No longer being a victim to it. Not letting the trauma or that experience take the best of you.