
Covid 19 Concerned About the Coronavirus

This COVID 19 will be a life changing experience. In what way you may ask? Look all around us. Businesses are having a hard time re-opening and job losses, it is affecting all of us.  This will go down in history and we are here to see this and will tell our story to our Great Grandchildren, “I was there!”


The economy changed right in front of my eyes!” “Nothing will be the same again!” My favorite Mexican restaurant closed and is not planning to re-open because it has no money to hire people with or any money for that matter. They were told they would get money to help with some of the business, but has not heard from loan company.  But who cares about them? There are other Mexican restaurants who make the same kind of food, YES, but my questions is, will it be just as good?

Other places are closed too, like our parks, can’t take a walk or run, enjoying the nice air, the beauty of the trees.  People also have lost their jobs, how are these people supporting themselves? Well… isn’t this enough to make us depressed? Make us want to cry, let me make you feel even worse.

The children in these homes where mom and dads are struggling? Maybe, dad is drinking, or mom is on drugs. There are schools open or designated areas were kids could get a free  meal, but who is going to take them if mom or dad are incapable?

This is the time for all of us to unite and try to up lift each other up. Some of us, who have positioned ourselves in positive mannerisms, are trying to help those who need resources, or to be up lifted. Some of us are untouched by the whole economy, except for “no toilet paper” in stores maybe.

Thank Source, Thank GOD, Thank Spirit for other people’s generosity. Some are still working and helping those who aren’t working and/or got laid off.  I look around and see people talking, laughing, respecting the 6 ft. distancing of course. We are all trying to make the best of this learning experience. It too shall pass. Our world will not be the same, maybe? But some of us will make it better.

How we position ourselves in our thoughts, in our emotions and our imagination, will greatly be affected in our daily lives.   If we have been listening to positive programs, reading inspiring books, watching inspiring DVDs like the ‘’secret” or movies like that, or listening to Abraham Hicks, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robins, Depak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, and many other motivational and inspiring speakers. This will bring out qualities and uncover buried skills in all of us that are needed right now. All this can help fight our attitudes from negative thinking to hopeful thinking, help find in us some positive thoughts and positive energy.

Surround ourselves with a different attitude. It will take a lot of “FOCUS “. I know by my experience; it is not easy. Even meditating isn’t easy. But how will we know if we don’t try? Right?

Trust in the safety of the Divine and/or in our inner being or your higher self. Let’s find courage within ourselves and help others to leap further in our prayers and include our changing economy, our homeless, our leaders to continue to serve with unselfishness.

Let’s not forget to pray for ourselves, there are many, many, of us who are survivors, we have gone thru things others are not aware of and maybe times worse than this. Our life depends on our acquired faith, courage and experience to survive.

Times are changing right now. May our higher source, GOD, (however you believe) give us the strength, courage and faith. We need to continue to be “SURVIVORS!” AMEN.


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