
Our Children

I love them so much, it hurts sometimes. My children are near their 40s or late 40s. I now have grandchildren. Loving them hurts even more. Where are they now? Well, thank God. They are all doing well and smart enough to have jobs, spouses and children of their own.

I remember, when they were small, I tried to provide them with what I could. I remember having to wear my husband’s boxers, because, I did not have enough money to spend on stuff for me. My children’s needs came first.  I had also made a bad choice of marrying this husband, thinking he could help make ends meet. NOT! He was an Alcoholic!

I was too prideful to go and apply for food stamps. I remember I used to work for DHS and they were so prejudiced, they would suggest that they provide proof of this, proof of that. Make sure you investigate the Mexicans, the Blacks, and the Yakima Indians. They keep things from you. I quit within 3 months of employment.

So, I would have rather starved first than go and apply for assistance. I did put my pride aside when one of my kids had to go to go to the hospital. After all, I pay my taxes.

Now on my own, as a single mother raising three children. It was still not easy, I had gotten a good job, but still could not always make ends meet. I remember needing bras, thank God for safety pins.

There had come a time, when food had been scarce. But we made it thru. I am older now. All have had positive results.

I did teach my children that when I get old, to remember to throw some money my way if they can. I taught them so well. They do help out, Bless Their hearts.

Now they live busy lives. Have responsibilities of their own. I have seen that (I have to say) they turned out pretty good. I am very proud of them. I am sure they had to go through some ordeals to go on with their own lives.

I just wish they would see me more often. Or call me once in a while. I have to admit, my youngest daughter calls me often enough, my other two don’t, not like I would like them to.

My oldest has 4 children, understandable. She has a hard job. A husband, husbands demand a lot of attention. She is mainly tired when she wants to call me. I understand that too! No hard feelings.

My middle child, she’s the one that calls me, more often, she lives in Utah, we lived together for a time and this brought us closer together. We used to do everything together. Until she met one of her boyfriends on line, fell in love with him and that’s why she moved to Utah. She moved too far for me.

My Son, he comes with that saying that my Mom would repeat to us “a son is your son, until he meets his wife, a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life”. Isn’t this the truth! My mom used to say that when her sons would remember her, but they called less and less. My sister-in-law stated, she needed to remind her husband to call mom. How sad but it’s the truth.

At this state of my age. I miss them. Now, I too have started a new life. I am on my second round of my journey. Found a good man. (believe it or not) shocked my kids and grandchildren and some of my friends… Now my life is getting a second wind of life.  God Bless us all.






Do you learn by living your life?

As you go on through your journey and believe in the miracles or magic of everyday life you can see that there is more going on than meets the eye every day, even at night (and when you’re asleep). You see shadows, you feel a presence, or your hear your name called out, or any other number of strange phenomena.

I started thinking life was just a plain miracle. One after another. When I was little, I woke up with my dog needing to go outside to relieve himself. His name was “Blackie.” As I was waiting for him to do his thing, I saw my mother’s garden through the shadows and saw the shadows of the flowers on the house wiggling upward. I remember the moon was very bright behind me. I couldn’t tell just from looking at them, but noticing their shadows on the reflection of my house, they were growing fast, upward.  It scared me and I ran back into the house and my dog said to me “where are you going?” I did not notice that my dog had just talked to me, until later, when he got back into bed with me.  I looked at him and asked if he’d seen what I saw? “Did you talk to me in human language?” He just stared at me and laid back down. Was I dreaming? Up to this day, I remember this happening. I mentioned this incident to my mother, who was a curandera healer and she just laughed and said, “What does your mind and heart tell you? If you believe it, then it happened.”  I felt like it did. Up to this day, I will never forget what I had experienced. My mom explained, I had probably read Blackie’s mind.

So, have things like this ever happen to you? Are there others that have seen weird things that cannot be explained? People may think you are crazy and you need medication. But coming from the Mexican culture, I have talked to others about things like this and I have heard some stories. Like the “La Llorona”. That story was in the theaters, I went to see it. It scared me. When I visited Mexico with my mother, we heard her cry out so loud, I got chills.

I believe in these unforeseen phenomena, that are uniquely involved in each of our lives. Called dormant forces as Wayne Dyer called it in his book called “Inspiration”.  I believe that these images of the divine are ahead of us on our paths, orchestrating the experiences and circumstances on our walk in life. Things like this are revealed to those who pay attention. Will we be believed?

Something like this: Dr. Eben Alexander, who was in a coma for 7 days, was not expected to live. He had the experience of the afterlife. He even wrote a book “Proof of Heaven” about his experience. Some People believed his story… wasn’t this a magical experience? A miracle? YES! And I believe him.

Many events like this have happened throughout my life. I than started to study Reiki, Reiki energy and Reiki Healing and I developed many other skills. The acknowledgement and inner knowing of the spirit that flows through all things began to emanate through me in a way that made me become more conscious.

For example, I was staying with a friend at her vacation home. I accidentally melted some wax on her gas stove and the burner no longer worked. My friend was upset, because it costs a lot of money to get those fixed. And because we were at her vacation house, it cost more money get stuff fixed.

That evening I was reading a book by Edgar Cayce about how he would summon up spirits to help him out. And I thought I wish I could manifest a gas man to fix her stove.

Then a little while later, I heard this man’s voice telling me just what to do. I finally put down the book, got up, and went to the stove and did just what the man told me to do.

I did, and then he said to turn on the stove, and I did. And it worked.

That morning I told my friend to turn on the stove and it fired right up. I was not surprised.

I believe that the more magical/miracles/experiences we can have in our authentic self and the divine in a high vibrational, intentional and true sincere, strong feelings of emotion, the more we can call our dreams into being, and the healthier we can be. We can relieve stress, diseases, overall heal the world of illnesses and vanquish negativity with the divine light of emotional love, miracles, and our belief in magic.